Sunday, May 08, 2011

Open DNS Phishing Protection

Open DNS Logo

As a Linux user, since there is not reputed Virus Guard (Even troublesome SELinux is there) or URL filtering is not done, there is a more chance you deal with phishing URL. In windows many AVs prevent phishing and scam URL. In this case best option is using a DNS level filtering. In most cases ISP's DNS will not offer this sort of protection. Therefore best option is switch to Open DNS.
Open DNS name servers are

These name servers can be entered in Network Manager. If you use DHCP, just select IP only. And then enter name servers with commas.
Open DNS at Network Manager

After this configuration change, using web browser will be little more safe than early.
Blocked Phishing Site

How ever implementing chain of protection is makes much safe. Using Open DNS, and using Firefox with add-ons like 'Web Trust' and 'LinkExtend' will make more security. As final thing using 'NoScript' like add-on make more more better. Even it make little probalemtic, XSS and click-jack protection is very very imprsesive.

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